Theatre Production by Local Youth

 At Thistle Theater-  "That Summer"

Bethelehem Walk

What is Bethlehem Walk?

Bethlehem Walk is an outdoor multi-media interactive event portraying the events surrounding the birth of Jesus two thousand years ago. Journey with your extended Bible-times family to Bethlehem, the home of your ancestral family. Visit with Mary, Josepth and their donkey as they rest along the road. Hear the shepherds tell their story of how the angels appeared to them in their fields. Encounter the angels yourself as they tell you the announcement of Jesus' birth. See the wisemen as they bring their gifts. Experience the sights, sounds and aromas of the market of Bethlehem. Pay your taxes to the Roman authorities. See the star shining over the stable, and find the baby Jesus in the manger. Learn how you can have a personal relationship with Him today!

A family tradition for over 16 years, Bethlehem Walk is a presentation of Crossroads Alliance Church, Ingersoll, ON, supported by several other area churches and community members.